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Localism 2.0 but not as we know it
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Localism 2.0 but not as we know it

“It’s localism, Jim, but not as we know it,” Spock might have said to Captain Kirk if the Starship Enterprise had beamed down to Takina – the new Wellington Convention Centre – in time to catch the PM’s address last week.

See the full article from David Cunliffe's Op-Ed in the The Post, September 1, 2024.

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New Regionalism: Toward a new central-regional partnership
Polis Admin Polis Admin

New Regionalism: Toward a new central-regional partnership

The new National-led Government has made clear calls for less central government, more infrastructure, and potential devolution. A great deal of responsibility could land on the regions to help get New Zealand moving. However, systems and processes are needed to balance increased regional powers with Cabinet prioritisation. It will be important to get the right balance between devolution and subsidiarity.

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