Bringing shared strength to your most complex challenges.

We bring global expertise and trusted professionals to the nation’s most complex strategic policy and competitive strategy challenges.  We love tough challenges: unfamiliar problems, complex analytics, multiple stakeholders and nuanced governance and local diplomacy. We are trusted experts that support government and business leaders with their strategic ‘moments of truth’. The bet-the-farm decisions that no-one can afford to get wrong.

Polis services.

Facing the future boldly, we’re encouraging innovation and challenging the status quo. Delivering the impact essential for the betterment of Aotearoa New Zealand’s future.


Define success
Every journey begins with a destination in mind. Unless you and your key stakeholders deeply understand and agree on your goal, you cannot reach it. We partner with client CEO’s, senior leaders and Boards to align teams around clear, shared and specific goals. Setting goals must come from the heart of an organisation. It requires both clarity of expression and commitment by the team. Unless both are present, the journey is unlikely to be successful.

Develop strategy
We bring together global tools and experience to assist local clients to develop rigorous strategy, to traverse from today to the goal. For us at Polis, strategy is not a static ‘plan’, nor a short-term ‘tactic’. Strategy is medium term, competitive, dynamic and uncertain. We diagnose problems, discover evidence, benchmark best practice, model scenarios and use dynamic decision tools to address the toughest challenges of our time. We make global local, and the complex simple.

Execute change
The best strategy is worth nothing if not implemented successfully.  We diagnose roadblocks, roadmap solutions, build and track metrics, set up project management teams and get the job done.  We are especially experienced in achieving results in complex and ambiguous environments, dealing with dynamic uncertainty and aligning multiple stakeholders. We work with you, not at you.  We are positive change agents and trusted partners.

Build capabilities
We work with senior government leaders, founders and executives to build managerial best practices and dynamic capabilities at system and organisational levels. We build dynamic capabilities in organisations which drive continuous innovation, resilience against shocks, and agility to learn and respond to deep uncertainty.  We work with organisations to define and develop the rare, hard to imitate capabilities which build true competitive advantage, or however the organisation defines success. These dynamic capabilities are managerial and strategic and focus on the most valuable intangible assets, “signature processes” or IP the organisation has to offer.


“It is a privilege to help great clients succeed and make a difference. We understand that big calls need robust analysis and the best teams. We know that change needs vision, values, strategy and capability. That is why we deploy experienced experts to solve tough challenges”.


Here to help. Contact us.